KPIs are not mandatory, but are highly recommended for 2 main reasons:
- Each one of them helps you grow your revenue with us.
- They are worth more Bright Points, which helps you move up the program levels.
Details on KPIs:
- #OS with active apps: Launching Partner applications integrating Bright SDK on an additional approved operating system.
- Case studies published: Bright Data will provide a case study template, to be completed by the Partner and published on the Bright Data website (or other marketing purposes at Bright Data’s discretion). One case study can be provided per application.
- Referrals: a new partner referred to Bright Data in writing (email/slack/skype) by the Partner. Bright points will be added once the referred partner signs an SDK Agreement.
- Display rate: >90% of users who viewed the Bright SDK offer. The rate will be the average for the analyzed period (currently fiscal quarter)
- Retention rate: >60% of peers remained opted-in for 30 consecutive days during a fiscal quarter.
- Opt in rate: >65% of users accepted Bright SDK offer. The rate will be the average for the analyzed period (currently fiscal quarter)